Terms of Service

Accept the terms of use

By accessing this website you must comply with all policies stated on this website, including our privacy policy. Please read these terms carefully.

If you do not agree, please do not continue to use our services unless you decide to reconsider.

Get Mods APK is a service provided by a group, based in India.

Conditions are subject to change

You can’t wear a shirt all the time, neither can we. Moreover, we also understand that this arrangement also needs to be changed at any time, and we are qualified to do so. Furthermore, you must accept our evolutions to continue using it.

User Rights on MOD APK APPS & GAMES aidsnet.ch

Your use of our Services does not grant you any ownership rights to any intellectual property rights protected in our Services or the content you access. You may not use any content from our Services unless you have been authorized or permitted by the owner of the content. These Terms do not give you any right to use any trademarks or logos used in our Services. Do not remove, obscure, or alter any legal notices displayed in or linked to our Services.

Our service displays content not provided by aidsnet.ch. Only the owner of the content will be responsible for such content. We may review the content to determine whether the content is illegal or violates our agreements, and we may expel or prevent the storefront from securing content for which we have an essential reason. It is reasonable to assume that such content violates our agreements or the law. However, this does not mean that we will review the content, so do not expect us to do so.

In connection with your use of the Service, we may send you administrative messages, management notifications, and other data. You can stop receiving some of these messages.

Some of our Services are accessible on mobile phones. Do not use the Services in a way that would divert you from health or transportation regulations.

You can stop using our service at any time. Although we and others will miss you.

Protect your privacy and copyright

Our Privacy Policy clarifies how we treat your own information and ensures your security when using our services. By using our services, you agree that aidsnet.ch may use this information in accordance with our privacy agreement.

We respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement and terminate cases of repeat infringers in accordance with the policies set forth in the U.S. Computerized Millennium Copyright Act.

We provide data to help copyright owners manage their protected innovation on the web. If you think someone is infringing on your copyright and want to let us know, you can send us a message.

Your Content in Our Services

Part of our Services allows you to transfer, document, send or receive content. You are responsible for the licensed innovation rights you have in that content. So what belongs to you is always yours.

When you upload, save, send or receive content to or through our Services, you grant aidsnet.ch (and the audience we work with) a general right to use, populate as a landing page, store, reproduce, modify, create ancillary works (for example, ancillary works from translations, adjustments or other changes we make to make your content work better with the translation), broadcast, distribute, publicly perform, display and freely appropriate such content. The rights you grant in this license are for the limited purpose of operating, developing and improving our Services and for developing new services. This license will survive even if you stop using our Services (for example, an article about photography that you post).

Our automated system scans your content (including emails) to provide you with personalized content, including personalized indexed lists, personalized advertising, and spam and malware detection. This scanning occurs when content is sent, received, or stored.

Our Site Disclaimer

We hope you enjoy using this play area. However, we do not guarantee certain things about our services unless explicitly stated in these terms and conditions or in the improvements.

Some provisions provide certain warranties, for example, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, availability for a particular purpose and non-infringement. To the extent permitted by law, we disclaim all warranties.

We have simply created a play space for people who share our enthusiasm. With this in mind, we will not be responsible for the data published by the customer. It would be better if you contact the creator of the content directly or request a removal by submitting a DMCA notice.

To get data on the best way to contact aidsnet.ch, it would be ideal if you visit our contact page.

Please contact us at  AGT[@]aidsnet.ch